POSTERIOR SUPERIOR ALVEOLAR NERVE BLOCK * Anatomical Landmarks: • Mucobuccal fold • Zygomatic process of the maxilla • Infratemporal surface of maxilla • Anterior border and coronoid process of the Ramus of the mandible • Maxilalry Tuberosity * Nerves Anesthetized: Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerve and its branches * Areas Anethetized: • Maxillary Molars of the Side of injection except the Mesio-Buccal Root of the Maxillary First molar • Buccal alveolar process covering the maxillary molars • Periosteum covering the Maxillary molars Connective tissue covering the Maxillary molars • Mucous membrane covering the Maxillary molars * Technique for Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerve block: • patient position:- the back rest of the dental chair is tilted to a 45 degree angle to the floor, this helps to keep the occlusal plane of the patient at 45 de...